Thursday, April 29, 2010

You Know You Have a Toddler When

I've done a pregnancy list and a new baby list and now it's time for a toddler list. In other words: the kitchen is filthy and I'm avoiding it by playing on my blog.

You Know you Have a Toddler When.......

You know the theme songs to all the Disney and Nick Jr. shows.

The bottom of your foot has come in contact with every sharp toy your child has

You've decided that finger prints on the windows and TV should be a new trend

You can read your child's favorite book with your eyes closed and still turn the pages at the appropriate times.

Your child is positive that your food taste better even if they have the same thing.

Your kitchen floor can put a movie theater floor to shame.

You find food/toys in very strange places ie: shoes, bathtubs, pots etc.

Only the top half of your Christmas tree is decorated

You say random things such as "don't french kiss the dog" or "don't smear poop in your hair"

Only the expensive items end up in the toilet.

You have forgotten the definition of 'privacy'.

You can do the dishes balanced on one foot since the other foot is keeping your child from climbing into the dishwasher.

You find yourself swaying and humming Old McDonald when your in line somewhere, alone.

A five minute task turns into a 20 min task because of all the 'help' your getting.

Walking to the mailbox takes 2 hours because every blade of grass must be examined.

A hug and a kiss make everything better, for child and parent.


Jason and Jennifer said...

Jannie, you have such a way of putting things, and it is great to know that I am not the only one! Though the whole thing is true, I love the last one...the one thing that keeps us going day and day out.

McGuire's said...

so funny and so true!

John and Linda said...

You are getting the hang of things I see. :o) You brought back some memories for me! My kids loved the Wizard of Oz and one day I caught myself singing, "If I only had a brain" while sorting laundry in the basement. hahaha