Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ba Ba Ba Booooring!

Moving is NO fun. We all flew out to Pennsylvania for a few days and found a great Townhouse to rent. It is bigger then our home now so I am really excited to have more room to move around. Cordon did pretty good on the trip. He had a few meltdowns, but I don't blame him considering he was pretty much strapped in his car seat for 3 days. The area is beautiful and there is SO much to do. Within 1-3 hours we have Gettysburg, Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia, etc etc etc. Although I think I am mostly excited about Hershey World. A Chocolate Themed Amusement Park.... life does not get better then that. Chris is now working and living in PA. The movers come on the 8th of June so Cordon and I are stuck at home alone trying to wrap up all the final stuff. Even though I'm extremely busy, it sure gets boring only having a dog and baby for company for 2 weeks. So to entertain myself, and to continue my procrastination on a talk I should be writing, I uploaded random photos of Cordon.

The flight to and from PA wore him out

Our backyard started out as dirt. We worked so hard on it and now that it is just getting good we are leaving.

The makings of a couch potato

First time in a pool. He found it amusing for only about 2 minutes.

All tuckered out.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I really am amazed at how blessed we are. It was a pretty big shock when Chris was laid off but things have really worked out for the better. In just 6 weeks he got a better paying, better experience job and we have sold our home and will actually make money on it. Someone is definitely looking out for us.

I'm not sure how long this website will be up but here is a tour of our home.

Monday, May 11, 2009

So Sanitary

I saw this sign in a women's restroom at a gas station. Sure enough, the garbage was full of used toiled paper. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that a male wrote this sign. So gross.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Not So Happy Mothers Day

It was my first official Mothers Day and I had such a beautiful fantasy of how it was going to be. I would wake up when I was ready to wake up, not when a crying child woke me up. I would learn wonderful things in church then come home and curl into bed with a good book for a few hours while Chris took care of the baby and dog and scrubbed the house clean. This was NOT the case.

Cordon decided to wake up an hour early so Chris got him and put him into bed with us hoping he would fall back asleep. Just as we all got snuggled in we realized that Cordon had peed through everything and was soaked and very quickly shared the wealth with us and my recently cleaned sheets. After some showers and changing of sheets we were fresh and ready to go. Apparently Bud does not like Happy Jannie because he decided to grab a decor ball and shred it.... and of course the ball does not belong to us. We borrowed it from our realtor to help 'stage' our home while trying to sell it. Discipline the dog, clean up the mess and finally off to church. Before sacrament meeting started Chris had Cordon on the pew next to him. Someone came over to talk to Chris and just as he turned his head Cordon decided to lean forward and fall off the pew landing on his forehead. After I recovered from my heart attack I called the Dr. who told me to watch him for the next few hours but he should be fine. He was pretty tired and mellow at first but eventually was back to his old self. Collect our nerves, realize Cordon is not broken, enjoy the rest of church and head home. After lunch Chris was falling asleep due to serious jet lag so I sent him to bed. I gave Cordon a sippy cup then went to make dinner. About 10 min later he came crawling over to me soaked and sticky. He had gotten the lid open just enough so it leaked ALL over. Who knew 4 oz could cover so much area. Meanwhile, I had set the timer for the oven but didn't turn it on..... burnt lasagna anyone? Chris woke up and headed over to some friends to help move some furniture and I headed off to give Cordon a bath but was delayed due to his shampoo being knocked on the floor sometime earlier and leaked all over. I finally got Cordon in the bath only to have the non-slip ducky slip out from under him causing him to fall backwards and once again hitting his head. Who thought it would be a good idea to make us parents?

Is the day over yet?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Auf Wiedersehen Jasper, Indiana

We are moving to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Chris got a job with Guilford. They are a textile company. We are extremely excited about this job and to live in Pennsylvania. Although we are going to miss Jasper. We have made a lot of great friends here. Chris starts on the 18th, but it will probably be a few weeks until Cordon and I join him there.