Monday, May 12, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to hide under your covers? I had one of those recently. It started with Chris slamming his 4 fingers in the car door. We are both shocked that he didn't break anything but his fingers are very bruised and swollen. On my way home from work my car decided to up and die. Fortunately it wasn't a busy road so I was able to coast to the side and after several tries I got the car to start again. Chris was working till midnight that day so I had a huge 'to do' list I was wanting to accomplish that evening. As soon as I got home everyone I know decided to take that moment to call me. While on the phone for over an hour my dog decided to grab everything in site so I did my best running after him while carrying on a conversation. Finally, at 7 pm I was able to start my list. I headed outside to work in the yard a bit and brought my dog with me. Looking around the back side of the house I decided the best place to hook the end of Bud's 20 ft leash was the back porch light fixture because it's bolted to the house. Oh boy was I wrong! Bud took off at a full on sprint and riped that light right out off it's place. So now I have a spastic dog and a light fixture hanging from wires..... great!
Fuming, I lock Bud in the house and start a sad attempt to fix the light. Half way through I head to the garage to find a wrench and my Houdini dog some how maneuvered right through my legs and off across the field, at that point I swear I heard him yelling "freeeedom!!!!" I went and found his leash and a toy and started the chase. After only a few minutes Bud got distracted by something on the ground so I took that moment to sprint through the field with my flip flops.... hello pot hole. Fortunately I only tripped a little and kept going. As I got close I heard a squeak by Bud and wondered what he had. I yelled his name and he looked up at me with a baby rabbit in his mouth.... oh boy! I yell, he dropped the rabbit, rabbit makes a dash, Bud pounces on the rabbit and I pounce on Bud. I got the leash on him and with super human strength wrestled him away from the rabbit. I then decide that I need to get the rabbit back to his den so it's mom can take care of him. So as I'm pushing Bud away with my right hand and leg I somehow manage to scoop the rabbit up in my shirt without touching it so my scent doesn't get on it (although looking back I'm sure that did nothing since it was in my shirt and my shirt has my scent on it) If any of my neighbors had looked out their window at this point they would have seen a pregnant lady in her sweats in the middle of the field with a spastic dog trying to tackle her down and her shirt half way up her belly with something in it. I manage to get the rabbit back to it's den only to see that it's no longer moving. I finally got back to the house only to remember that I have exposed wires outside and it's getting ready to rain. Not knowing anything about wires I did the best that I could with rope and called it a night. It was a horrible terrible no good very bad day.


Thayerclan said...

Yikes!! But you know amidst all the craziness there was that thought in the back of your mind..."this is going to make for a great blog post"...right?? j/k :)
I'm quite impressed with your engineering rope skills, I probably would have ended up electrocuted or something...

Tiffney said...

I love it!! Jannie... you're such a sport! Yahoo for the pregnant lady with the spastic dog and dead baby rabbit!! :D

Mandy said...


Lisa/Scott said...

I hate those days. Being pregnant makes it harder cause your hormones make it easier to feel overwhelmed and irritable when looking back, it's sometimes funny and you wonder why it made you want to drive into the nearest pole. Crystal is who I get to chase around instead of a dog, and it's just as frustrating some days, especially cause now I'm too big to run, bend over, and dart around and she knows it and takes full advantage. Even when I have to change her diaper and call her over she looks and smiles at me and runs away cause she knows I can't catch her. I have to use my brains over my strength these days to get her to do what I want. Dang it!

Ryan and Hailee said...

That does make a top ten list for a very bad day. What a bad dog!!! I love your picture of putting the light back together, you did a great job!!

Leah said...

Too funny Jannie! You can tell a great story. Bud is giving you lots of practice for chasing after a toddler. Fortunately, the baby will give you at least a year before he is able to run away from you. Now might be a perfect time for some Obedience classes :0)

jimnalli said...

hahahah! who's the redneck??!
Thats funny. Once I was running down the street barefoot and in sweats, carrying my baby with 2 year old Lane running after me screeeaming! I was chasing after Alix.. 5 years old who was chasing a ball down the street headed for a busy street and as I look over I am running the same pace as the UPS man who is driving down the road and he was just staring out his "no door" big truck so as I was running, I had to say "hello"....THose moments do make for great stories though

Anonymous said...

Hey that definitely sounds like something I would do. Just to inform you all that Dusty received his call on Thursday but waited until Sunday when I got back from Italy to open his papers. He has been called to serve in the Colorado Denver South Mission and will report to the MTC on August 20 2008 can you believe it. I am so proud. I need yalls email because I forgot it and I changed e-mail add. Love Yall