Thursday, February 28, 2008

I was tagged

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they are tagged.

10 years ago I was:
A Jr. in high school. I was more interested in boys then school and didn't get the best grades. I also had a high quality job at Moves 8. Nothing like coming home smelling like popcorn.

Things I would do if I became a billionaire:
I would get my own Xterra, Chris keeps hogging ours. Love you honey!!!! and of course I would travel all over. I might even hire Martha Stewart to come teach me how to be domestic since I'm seriously lacking in that area.

3 of my bad habits:
Twirling my hair

Waiting till Sunday morning to plan my lessons

Wanting to know everything even if it's none of my business. I'm way to curious.

5 places I've lived:
Provo, UT

Las Vegas, NV

Tallahassee, FL

Kinston, NC

Jasper, IN

5 jobs I've had:

Hostess at the Pizza Factory

Waitress at Fuddruckers

Dental Assistant

Rock Climbing Instructor

Pricing Associate

Something most people don't know about me:
Can't think of a thing. I'm pretty open about who I am. Although people find it very funny when they find out I had pierced my tongue when I was 19

I tag...
Sorry if you have been tagged in the past:





Lisa said...

I just noticed the baby countdown on your blog! Congratulations to both of you! It is very exciting news! I hope you start feeling better soon. I always started feeling better at about thirteen weeks.

Lisa/Scott said...

I remember the tongue ring, and the movies 8 thing. Good times. When did you work at Fuddruckers?? I didn't know you worked there. Did yo know I worked there for almost a year before my mission? That's funny. I actually already did this exact post some months ago, which is why I haven't filled this one out, but hey, if you ever come across one I haven't done, I'd be glad to do it. (: