Sunday, June 15, 2008

Myers Reunion

Last week Chris and I flew out to Utah for 5 days. We had a Myers reunion then spent a few days with my parents and siblings. I think Chris slept 90% of the trip. We only made it to part of the reunion but we still had alot of fun. The day before we got there there was an Ugly Cowboy Contest. I don't know who won but I love how much effort everyone put into their outfits.

On the last day there was also a talent show.....

My cousin Judd sang a Pete's Dragon song with his daughter. That is one dedicated dad

My family did a dance to "Oops I did it again" I love my parents faces in this picture. My mom (the clown) looks like a diva and my dad (in the gold jumpsuit) looks like he is in pain from overstretching.

Some of my nieces and nephews did a dance and lip sync to "Save the last dance for me." Andie has so much attitude I love it.

I'm sure alot of you have seen this song on you tube but I love my sisters version of it. She gets really animated by the end.

But by far my cousins version of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers was the best. I was laughing so hard my finger hit the off button so it cuts off, but fortunately I got the camera back on in time for the best part.....

Here are some other random pictures of the reunion.


McGuire's said...

those pictures are great! I am so happy you guys were able to come out. We all loved seeing you pregnant!!

Lisa/Scott said...

I wish my family reunions were like mine we just take pictures and eat and call it a day. They're boring as crap.

Katy Truman said...

Looks like everyone had a great time together.:)

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh...that was freaking hilarious. The seven brides seven brothers was GREAT! I think one of the funniest parts is your sister up in front laughing so hard she falls off her chair. :)

Ryan and Hailee said...

great pictures and videos, that reunion was a blast!!! Can't wait for the next one

thedoodlegirl said...

Okay, your family is an absolute HOOT!!! You guys make such a great party! Jannie, this is Rebekah Robinson (Sellers) by the way. I found your blog on Alli's list of names on her blog. How are you feeling these days? When is your due date? Love your blog!

The Donnells said...

You find the most interesting people when you have nothing better to do. This is Chris Pilch now Donnell. I am so excited for you and your little bump!!