Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Bump

I'm just about 6 months along and this is my first picture of the baby bump. Pretty pathetic. I meant to take one every month but sort of forgot to. So far so good. Baby boy is doing very well. I'm not doing to bad although I have blacked out a few times. The last time was in the middle of a training session at work... oops. I felt pretty embarrassed when they had to stop the training so people could run and get me some water. Baby is getting more and more wiggly. His kicks are strong enough to move my belly which never ceases to make me laugh. After weeks of trying, Chris finally got to feel the baby kick. Baby boy is apparently stubborn because he would stop moving the second Chris put his hand on my belly. Although I feel HUGE at this point, seeing this pictures makes me realize I still have alot of growing to do *sigh*

Monday, April 21, 2008


Last Friday, about 4:30 am I woke up because the bed was shaking. My first thought was "what is Chris doing over there?" then I realized he wasn't moving (besides with the movement of the bed) then I thought "wow, what kind of person would break in the house just to shake my bed?" In my sleep deprived moment I really did think that someone had come in my house just to shake my bed. It was after that when I finally fully woke up and realized it was an earthquake. It was about 5.4 and lasted about 15 seconds. Chris slept through the whole thing. Since then we have had 20 aftershocks but only two of those I have felt. Fortunately we have had no damage, but our dog sure does not like it. Every now again he will get up and start to whine and bark then lay down. Our guess is he can feel the aftershocks that we can't. Who would have guessed that we would get an earthquake while living in the Midwest.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008