Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Camp Out

Chris took Cordon to the Father and Sons camp out for church. Waiting for Chris to come home from work was torture for Cordon. He was so excited to go. It had rained most of the day they left so they both came home pretty muddy but that just made it more entertaining for Cordon.

Chris said it took twice as long to set up the tent because Cordon kept running in and out of the opening

He was so excited to finally use his sleeping bag that we got months ago. He slept all night

We didn't go camping at all last summer so I'm hoping to make up for lost time this summer. What did I do while the boys were away? Slept. I put Eliza to bed and I watched a movie then went to bed. Eliza slept from 7pm to 7am. I fed her and she went back to sleep until 9:30. What a wonderful girl.

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