Eliza was born 10-3-2010. She was 7 lbs 10.5 oz and 19.5 inches long. She came 11 days early and I couldn't have been happier about that. The last two weeks of pregnancy were really hard for me. I was exhausted, achy, and my hormones where all over the place. I had had enough, so when I suddenly had regular contractions one day I was thrilled. I went to the Dr and was told that I had started to dilate. Yahoo! My mom changed her flight to come early and then I took maters into my own hands. I looked up all the ways to naturally induce labor and tried everyone one of them. Including the dreaded Castor oil. For 3 days I had several false alarms, including false labor and bleeding. Each time I rushed to the Dr. or hospital they said "sorry, it's not time" and sent me home. Finally, my water broke and the hospital had to admit me.
Now I know you have all seen movies and heard stories where a women's water breaks and it's a big undeniable gush. Unfortunately for me this was not the case. Saturday night I woke up to use the bathroom and on the way a little bit of fluid came out. I thought I had an accident. When it happened two more times I started to wonder if my water had broken, however there was nothing coming out in between bathroom trips so I was extremely confused. 8 hours later I finally called my Dr. She said odds are that my water had not broken but to be safe I should go to the hospital. A nurse checked me, but she couldn't tell, and neither could the hospitals high tech strip of paper to see if my water broke. Two hours later the Dr. finally came to check me and it was at that moment that I finally got the undeniable gush. Apparently the slow leaking with dry spells in between is called a high leakage and is rare.
Anyways, I was only dilated to a 2 so they hooked me up to the pitocin. Fortunately, they let me have the epidural whenever I wanted. 90 min later that wonderful numbness kicked in and I spent the next few hours watching movies. 20 min of pushing and Eliza was here.
Headed home in the air jordon outfit that Chris bought 5 years ago. Cordon has the same one in blue
This picture cracks me up. Usually it's the child that is not looking at the camera.
The first time my mom and Chris brought Cordon to the hospital he completely ignored Eliza and anyone holding her. He spent the whole time eating my food.