Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cordon "Crying"

Cordon has never been very big on the whole crying thing (yes we realize how lucky we are) when he wants something he mostly grunts. His grunts have gotten louder and now he basically yells when he wants attention. Call me morbid but I think it's sort of funny.


The Foote Family said...

Awww, that is cute! It doesn't sound like crying at all. It sounds like he is just trying to talk or something. Wow, count your lucky stars cuz our little Sarah... now she's got some pipes! :) I'm glad Cordon is such a good baby.

Lisa/Scott said...

Oh my gosh he's so cute I wanna pick him up and cuddle him!
Seth will do that for the fist 5 minutes and if I don't respond he freaks out and starts screaming...not crying, screaming. It's hilarious but it also makes the hair stand up on my arm.