Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween this year.  Cordon is now old enough to understand holidays and get excited about them.  When we started talking about costumes I threw out a few ideas and the one that stuck was a farmer.  We just happened to have an old chicken costume so I threw that on Eliza and we had a cute little farmer and his chicken for Halloween. 
Bass Pro Shops offer free Halloween and Christmas photos.  They aren't the greatest quality but they are cute. 

Cordon really wanted to wear the chicken costume.  So I squeezed him into it and he ran around all excited, then realized it was very tight and begged me to quickly take it off.

 During our wards Truck or Treat, Eliza and Dad handed out candy while I took Cordon around the cars.  He did one quick loop then wanted to sit in the car and help dad. 

 On Halloween, Cordon was all set to dress up as a farmer again but I talked him into wearing the spaceman outfit instead because it's warmer and easier to spot at night.  He was so cute trick-or-treating.  He would ring the bell then run back to me.  When the door opened he would run back to the door and yell "trick-or-treat" as loud as he could.  As we walked to the next house he would say "I'm so excited." Check out the paper on the door.  Not only does Harrisburg have a specific day and time to trick -or-treat (usually the Thursday before, so kids don't get hurt during weekend traffic), but our apartment complex give us papers to put out if we are participating.  It makes it so organized and you don't have to worry about bothering anyone that doesn't want to hand out candy.

 Let me explain my costume. The morning of the Trunk or Treat I was outside spraying polyurethane on a headboard I had made.  Normally I am really good about wearing safety glasses but I got lazy this time because it was just a quick spray. Of course the wind decided to shift and I got blasted in the face with polyurethane.  My eyes started burning immediately, this made me a bit nervous. I read the back of the can and it said to flush eyes and immediately seek medical attention, this made me more nervous.  I called my Dr and they told me to get to an optometrist as fast as I could, that made me even more nervous.  I called the optometrist and they said the same thing, at this point I'm panicked and wondering if I was going to be blind. I got to the Dr's office, she looked at my eyes and said "oh, your eyes are sad." that is not what I wanted to hear.  Long story short, I did some pretty good damage but nothing permanent thank goodness.  I got a goody bag of eye drops and spent three days with blurry vision and a week of dried out eyes.  Imagine putting Vaseline in your eyes then trying to see and have a blow dryer constantly blowing in your eyes.  This of course brought on massive headaches and made it impossible to get anything done.  Anyways, what does this have to do with my costume you ask?  That first day, my eyes were incredibly sensitive to the light and they were all puffy and red so I was stuck with sun glasses.  Chris suggested I go as Ray Charles for Trunk or Treat but we didn't have anything that would work for the rest of the ensemble.  So I went as the next best thing, Chris.  Sunglasses, BYU, and headphones.  All that was missing was a Coke. 

Happy Halloween everyone!


Shay said...

You look like all the other students in Provo too, amazing!

my name is becky kelly said...

yeah, safety glasses are a good idea. we invested in some after shanan had Uncle Spencer remove a metal sliver from his eyeball. It had been in there for about a week and had started to rust. gross.
good work on being Chris :)