Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

*When I tell Cordon I need to do something to him that he doesn't want me to do (like clip his nails) he says "You don't want to do that!"

*As soon as Eliza hears a key in the door she looks towards the door, gets all excited and yells "DA DA!"

*Cordon tries to give commands to Bud and Bud just looks at him like "seriously? You think I'm going to obey you?"

*Eliza thinks everything can be turned into a necklace and tries to put any object she has around her neck. 

*Cordon tries to throw his food on Eliza's tray when he thinks I'm not looking, and she eats it as fast as she can before I take it away and give back to Cordon.

*Every morning when I'm doing Eliza's hair, she always puts down whatever she is playing with so she can fully admire herself in the mirror.

*Cordons latest game of "elevator." He informs me that it's time to get in the elevator then he will stand in a closet for a couple minutes.  That's it, he just stands there. 

*These Pictures-

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