Friday night the original Thompson clan and their spouses went to the Lion House for dinner. It's been 10 years since just the adults got together and no kids were around so I really enjoyed laughing and talking with them. Unfortunately, Diana's husband Rich is currently in Iraq for work and couldn't be there.
The John and Mary Thompson family |
Saturday night was the reception at the church. It was simple but very nice and there was a good turn out. It was fun to see John and Mary reconnect with old friends and to meet those people and learn more about my in-laws
The happy couple. It really is amazing that they have hit 50 years of marriage. That's pretty rare today. John's response to this "you just have to live long enough." Congratulations to you both. I'm so glad we were able to celebrate with you.
One of the hikes Chris took Cordon on. He's turning into a stereotypical boy and loves to be outdoors. He talked about the hike for 2 days after.
The infamous green shirt..... let me explain. 10 min before it was time to board our plane to go home, Eliza decided to throw up, not once, not twice but three times. Of course she managed to hit everything; me, her, the diaper bag and the baby carrier. I used most of my wipes cleaning us up. I had an extra pair of pants for her but no shirt so I sent Chris off to hurry and find something. He came back with the only thing he could find. A green 2T size shirt with a girl M&M on it. He paid $16 for this lovely thing which will probably make it's way to the back of the closet and never be heard from again. we put it on her and raced onto the plane which was of course almost fully boarded. Our flight home included 4 airports and 3 planes. That is a lot of new people to see and chat with. After the 100th time of correcting people and telling them Eliza is a girl and not a boy, then explaining why she was wearing an ugly green shirt, I gave up. So for the last flight I stopped correcting people and Eliza became a cute boy that looks like his dad. Good thing she is to young to realize what was going on.
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