Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ba Ba Ba Booooring!

Moving is NO fun. We all flew out to Pennsylvania for a few days and found a great Townhouse to rent. It is bigger then our home now so I am really excited to have more room to move around. Cordon did pretty good on the trip. He had a few meltdowns, but I don't blame him considering he was pretty much strapped in his car seat for 3 days. The area is beautiful and there is SO much to do. Within 1-3 hours we have Gettysburg, Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia, etc etc etc. Although I think I am mostly excited about Hershey World. A Chocolate Themed Amusement Park.... life does not get better then that. Chris is now working and living in PA. The movers come on the 8th of June so Cordon and I are stuck at home alone trying to wrap up all the final stuff. Even though I'm extremely busy, it sure gets boring only having a dog and baby for company for 2 weeks. So to entertain myself, and to continue my procrastination on a talk I should be writing, I uploaded random photos of Cordon.

The flight to and from PA wore him out

Our backyard started out as dirt. We worked so hard on it and now that it is just getting good we are leaving.

The makings of a couch potato

First time in a pool. He found it amusing for only about 2 minutes.

All tuckered out.

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