We just got back from a 10 day trip to Utah. The last time Chris's entire family was together was at our wedding, 8 years ago. A Thompson reunion was long over due. Some how I became in charge of it all and I have spent the last year planning and re-planning. Everyone got to Chris's parents house a week early and we spent our time doing our own things and doing a few things together. The actual reunion was a weekend at my grandpas ranch in southern Utah. I love that place, it demands relaxation and fun. No T.V, no Internet and no phones is my kind of vacation.
It was the first time a lot of the Thompson's got to meet Cordon so needless to say he was the hit of the party. He had his own groupies everywhere he went. He got overstimulated and cried a few times but over all he did really good. Here are the highlights of the whole trip.

The whole Thompson clan at our finest.

Stewart Falls

Hiking Timpanoogos. We didn't want to take Cordon to the top (that wouldn't exactly be very safe) so around three miles I strapped him on my back and headed home while everyone else continued on.

Nothing says reunion like a mad dash for candy. Yes, that would be me up the tree. Looking at that photo makes me realize I still have some postpartum work to do. I got some nice cushion on that back side.

Cordons first time on a horse. He was more interested in getting his toes tangled in the mane.

Walking down Twin Hollow at the ranch

My sweet Grandpa Foote. It was the first time he met Cordon.

You know your tired when you don't realize that you are no longer on the mattress.

Lookin good Micheal and Chris