We have been in Pennsylvania for one week. So far all I have seen is boxes, boxes, and more boxes. The move was actually very easy. They packed up all our stuff one day, loaded it all up the next then last Wednesday we hit the road. It took us 12 hours to get here. Bud did fantastic. We only heard one whine out of him. Cordon got a bit annoyed by the end but he did good to. A week before we left I bought him a new toy. I let him play with it for a day to make sure he liked it then I took it away. When he started getting upset on the drive I gave it back to him. He was so excited to see that thing again that it kept him busy for several hours. Between that and Baby Einstein he did pretty good. Originally we thought we would be without our stuff for a week but we ended up getting our stuff the next day. It was great to only have to sleep on the floor one night. However, we had packed for a week so we had SO much junk with us in the car. Chris was right back to work on Friday then Monday he flew to NC for business. This left me to pretty much do all the unpacking. I didn't mind because that means I can set up the house however I want and Chris gets no say. However, Cordon decided to take this time to sprout four top teeth. Poor little guy has had a rough few days.

We only took up about a 1/4 of the 53ft semi
Even though I am embarrassed about this it cracks me up. The carpet they put in our house in Indiana was as cheap as it comes. I did my best to scrub it and keep it clean but you can see it didn't do a whole lotta good. It looks like those old cartoons when someone gets robbed and the outline of the items are still showing on the wall.

Cordon spent about 2 days in this position. There were to many baby hazards on the floor and I couldn't keep a close eye on him while trying to unpack, so he did a Baby Einstein marathon. We are a bit concerned about how much of a TV fanatic he already is. If there is a TV on, his eye balls are glued to it.
Bud drowning in a sea of packing paper
Mmmmmm toilet paper.